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Center for
Educational Statistics

Objectives and Strategies

Objectives and Strategies


which contributes to education development

Produce and provide high-quality educational statistics information,

Establish a system for planning, managing, and collecting educational statistics in an efficient and systematic way

Objectives and Strategies

  • Improve the efficiency of statistica survey and the reliability of statistics data
  • Advance educational statistics services to meet various demands
  • Build the foundation of educational statistics global hub, and reinforce the functions
Improve the efficiency of survey and availability of results by monitoring the survey process.
Improve accuracy and reliability of survey process by monitoring survey manuals.
Improve data processing system performance for statistical survey and publication. 
Online Education Statistics data portal for accessibility of data.
Monitor statistical survey process to reflect consumer's needs.

Improve accessibility and availability of educational statistical data via online networks. 

Enhance the international comparability of the survey system. 

Manage publications based on in-depth analysis of statistical data.

Build a global hub network of education statistics and enhance its capabilities.

Enhance the research, analysis, and information function of statistical service with OECD INES Programme.

Analyze and Monitor UNESCO's education statistics. 

Provide statistics data of Korea to international communities.